My Past Rediscovered!

I’ve been carrying around with me since the early 80’s some of the artwork from my time as an art student at Virginia Commonwealth University. I cringe at how amateurish it is and how it brings back what were sometimes unpleasant memories of trying to capture the human form as an unskilled artist, all while in the presence of other artist and instructors. Not to mention that the models were usually nude and I was at that very frustrating “late teens” stage of my life! I quickly got over that fact and started to see the human form as simply an object, much like any still life.

Actually, some of my drawings were better than others and at least they photographed well. Even though they aren’t great I still have a sentimental attachment to them and feel they should remain a visible part of me, so I’m including them here.

I’ve come a long way since then!


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